Ceriffi Oy Consulting Services
Our strong entrepreneurial approach clarifies SMEs challenging business environment and creates solid fundaments to grow and to become international also. Ceriffi helps companies to identify and fulfill product requiments in R&D, production and testing phase. Our best know how comes from CE-marking variety of products from construction industry to machines and electronical equipments.
Co-founders Mikko, Samuli and Martti with strong team of strategic partners on specialized fields of management ensure long-term advantages to develop any kind of business. If we can’t do, we promise at least find a solution to do together or strong network.
We promise to be best partner of SME on following fields:
Process improvement and management systems
Management systems
New customers also require in many cases that company has quality-, environmental-, occupational health and safety management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
Ceriffi’s consults can help companies to build and maintain management systems. Quality projects can be outsourced: Ceriffi can provide a quality or project manager who gives training to company personnel and helps building the management system.
Code of conduct
A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or proper practices of a company. A code of conduct helps to build a inclusive and ethical culture. It also tells what company expects from its employees. Ceriffi can help a company to make code of conduct that is clear and causes no misunderstandings.
Process improvement and LEAN projects
We help companies to increase their productivity and improve process by using LEAN and Six Sigma projects and tools. We have been first step for many companies in their way to create LEAN culture. Usually we start with simple 5S, layout streamlining or we could jump straight to launch Lean Six Sigma project.
Network Management and Supplier Development
Ceriffi provides contract auditing, supplier quality audits and can help with internal audits. We can also take care of subcontractor and supplier audits for you.
Information systems
Deploying a new information system can be a challenging task for a company or organization. Ceriffi’s experts can help you to find a suitable system prior the acquisition – it is important to find an information system that is suitable and cost effective for your business. We can also help with the offer requests, acquisition and deployment.
Business development
Funding planning
Ceriffi helps companies to get funding for investment and development projects. We provide advisory services for getting public funding, loans, credit and guarantees or we can care of the whole process. The source of financing is usually from Ely (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment), Business Finland or export credit agencies and institutional investors.
Research and development project planning
Ceriffi provides R&D project planning especially for small and medium-sized business. Project planning consists of scope definition, project schedule, risk analysis, work breakdown structure, requirements analysis etc. A project planning can be a daunting task for a first timer. Ceriffi’s experts can help companies to build their project planning skills or take care of the project planning altogether.
Product Standards and regulations
Ceriffi’s consulting business is aimed for companies that are about to grow from small business to medium-sized business and/or are planning to expand from domestic market to international market. Both changes often require certification marks such as CE in Europe.
Intellectual property rights strategy
IP assets and their management are related to all the company’s operations and it is advisable to use trained professionals to identify and manage it. We assist in the development and implementation of the IPR strategies, including Industrial Property Rights, Copyrights, Trade Secrets as well as know-how. A company must pay attention to IPR and make it part of their business plan. When starting new production IPR infringements must be avoided and in other hand own IPR must be protected from competitors. Building a IPR strategy requires considerable effort and often requires expert help. Ceriffi can provide IPR experts or help you to find one from our network if specialization for certain field is required.
IPR strategy consists of identification (copyrights, agreements and product reviews for example), protection (NDA’s, external contracts, trade marks) and defensive measures (obtaining IPR).
Ceriffi’s assigned IPR expert is Mr. Maunu M. Korpela. He is a, LL. Lic. (IPR), ERCIM UMR CNRS, University of Montpellier I, France, with dual training: Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, Finland 2006 & Master of Laws (French, European and International Private Laws), University of Montpellier I, 1999, and has 15+ years of strategic and day to day IPR know-how from development (Counsel 1998-, Executive Director, Head of FINF’s IP-/IPR Services (2010-), recommendations and counseling of national Finnish innovation ecosystem and IPR related of bills, resolutions, and other matters referred to them (2010-), member of several Industrial Property Rights focused Governmental committees in Finland, 2013-), IPR management (Head of IPR & Legal in SME’s in USA (2014-) and Finland (2009-)) and Litigation (e.g. Competition Law 2006-) and Supreme Administrative Court Referendary (Industrial Property), IPR Research (contributing to French, English, Finnish and European industrial property case law published e.g. by French Patent Office (INPI) and Supreme Administrative Court of Finland) and Lecturer (IPR, Market and Competition Laws 2001-) experiences as well as CLO experiences in the US and China.
Contract management
Good contract management protects the company’s and mitigates risks. Shareholder agreements, employment contracts and supplier contracts are important for starting or expanding companies. Ceriffi can help companies to make contracts and develop their own contract management.
Mikko Kettunen, Consultant & Co-Founder
Areas of expertise:
– Management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001)
– CE markings
– Planning and managing EU-projects
– Research & development project planning and management
Martti Blomberg, Consultant & Co-Founder
Areas of expertise:
– Funding and governmental credit agencies
– CE markings
– Management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001)
– Lean Six Sigma
– Strategy work
Samuli Muhonen, Consultant & Co-Founder
Areas of expertise:
– Ceriffi Check lead programmer
– Lean Six Sigma
– Funding and governmental credit agencies
– Information system consultation